Formulate, implement, follow up and monitor the objectives, strategies, policies, procedures and overall business plan of the company. |
Oversee that the affairs of the company are being carried out prudently within the framework of objectives, existing laws/regulations and high business ethics. |
Ensure compliance of the company affairs as per legal and regulatory requirements and guidelines of the statutory authorities. |
Motive and encourage initiatives and self realization in fellow members. |
Protect the interest and assets of the company. |
Maintain organizational effectiveness for the achievement of the organizational goals. |
Foster the conducive environment through respective policies. |
Company employees will avoid making personal gain (other than approved benefits) at the company's expenses and/or participating in or assisting activities which are against the company's interest. |
Company employees will not engage directly or indirectly without the permission of the company in any other business or paid occupation while in the service of the company. |
The company will not knowingly assist fraudulent activities of others. |
Ensure that the company interest supersedes all other interest. |